
Goodbye Summer Hello Autumn

If you find the transition from Summer to Autumn a tricky one, then I have an exercise for you that will help you embrace the change of seasons in a whole new way…you might even start to love it!

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I'm selina!

I'm Selina Barker, Career and Life Design Coach, author and podcaster. I've been coaching and guiding people to create lives and careers they love for the past seventeen years. And now... I can't wait to help YOU!



Until a few years ago I dreaded the end of Summer. I grieved it’s end. As I packed away my summer clothes and pulled out my slippers, I would fall into a slump of dejected resignation as the days turned colder, knowing that before long we’d be locked into months of cold, dark, wet, miserable days.

Today I couldn’t feel more differently about it. I still love the Summer, but now, I also love saying goodbye to Summer, with my heart full of gratitude and saying hello to Autumn, looking forward (believe it or not) to the colder, darker months ahead.

What has brought about this huge turn around?

One simple exercise: Goodbye Summer, Hello Autumn.

I created it about four years ago because I was fed up of feeling so blue when Summer came to an end and decided to challenge myself to discovering the joy in Autumn and Winter.

And so I created this simple exercise to help me honour the transition between these two seasons and to use it as a chance to intentionally design my life so that it worked with the colder, darker months and not in spite of them.

The impact has been huge for me. I’ve turned Autumn and Winter into months that I now look forward to. I associate them with simple pleasures and joyful activities that we don’t have the conditions or time for in the Summer months. I see these months now as essential periods of collectively stepping into stillness, going inwards and snuggling into the darkness and candle light.

And so, as I’ve been packing away my summer clothes this week, rather than feeling the old feelings of sadness and grief that I used to experience at this time of year, I’m looking forward to doing my Goodbye Summer, Hello Autumn exercise and planning what I’m going to be filling these months ahead with.

And I’d love you to do it too 😍

If you’ve got the brand new Project You journal already, then scan the QR code inside the journal to open up your digital journaling toolkit and you’ll find a ‘Goodbye Summer, Hello Autumn’ exercise in there, waiting for you 🤗

And this coming Tuesday I’m running a ‘Goodbye Summer, Hello Autumn’ exercise over in Club You, so that we can go through this beautiful exercise together and inspire one another with ideas for what we’re going to fill our Autumn and Winter with.

Why not join us? In fact join now (for the price of a coffee a week) and you’ll get the new Project You journal as a gift! 

Or if you simply want to curl up with a notebook of your own and do it, below are the questions from my first ‘Goodbye Summer, Hello Autumn’ exercise (I just found them today in my notes!). Doing this exercise truly did transform how I experience this change in season. I can’t wait to see what it does for you.

Have a go and let me know!

x Selina

Goodbye Summer, Hello Autumn…

What were your highlights this Summer?

What were the biggest lessons or insights you learnt this Summer?

What will this Summer be remembered for in your life?

What are you grateful to this Summer for?

As you look towards the Autumn how do you feel about it?

What will you miss about Summer that you can carry through into the Autumn?

How do you want to feel this Autumn?

What do you want it to be all about and why?

What intention do you want to set for this Autumn e.g. ‘I want it to be my Autumn of…’

What simple pleasures, activities, experiences, people and places do I want to fill it with?

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I'm Selina, Career and Life Design Coach and author of Burnt Out 

 I've been coaching and guiding people to create lives and careers they love for the past seventeen years. And now... I can't wait to help YOU!

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