
My Top 5 Tips To Navigating Change

Any journey of change, big or small, takes courage, determination, time and energy. It’s a roller-coaster ride. So here are my top 5 tips on how to navigate change from my 17 years of helping people bring about all sorts of big change in their lives.

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I'm selina!

I'm Selina Barker, Career and Life Design Coach, author and podcaster. I've been coaching and guiding people to create lives and careers they love for the past seventeen years. And now... I can't wait to help YOU!



I am BUZZING with energy at the moment – the excitable energy that comes from finally knowing where you’re headed and feeling excited about it.

This is the place I love to get my clients to. In fact, whenever I start a coaching journey, I always say to my new client, as they get ready to embark on the journey with me: my aim for you is that at the end of this programme you’ll be clear on where you’re headed, you’ll have a plan that you are confident in and above all you’ll feel excited about it all!

And that is where I finally feel I have got to again with my business. And it feels wonderful!

But getting there, is never easy.

And it is so important for people to know that. That any journey of change, big or small, takes courage, determination, time and energy.

It is a rollercoaster ride.

I have been on a LOT of these rollercoaster rides over the years myself and supported thousands of people go through their own change journeys through my coaching programmes and online courses over the past seventeen years.

And I have five key tips that I recommend anyone take with them as they embark on these journeys of change. Here they are:

My Top 5 Tips To Riding The Roller Coaster Of Change

1. Get serious about self-care

Bringing about change in your life takes ENERGY – physical, emotional, mental, motivational AND spiritual. And so you need to match that increased use of energy with PLENTY of rest, grounding activities, simple pleasures, inspirational content and a whole lot of good quality SLEEP.

2. Learn how to handle your Shitty Committee

Pretty much from the moment you finally make the commitment to bring about that change you want to see happen in your life, your inner Shitty Committee will go BANANAS. It will do EVERYTHING it can to stop you. This is because your Shitty Committee is hardwired to hate change. To fear it. To be suspicious of it. And to think categorically it will not work. And it will fill your head with these doubts and fears on an almost constant basis. So learning how to handle your Shitty Committee is key. If you haven’t heard my lessons on this before, then watch this space – I promise to send you a blog post on this soon! If you have my book Burnt Out, you’ll find a whole chapter on it in there!

3. Expect to want to give up (usually when you’re just about to make it happen)

Wanting to give up at some point and finding yourself sobbing on the kitchen floor, feeling sure that it is NEVER going to happen, is almost inevitable at some point when you’re bringing about big change in your life (largely thanks to your relentlessly fear-mongering Shitty Committee). And usually, inexplicably, just before it IS all about to happen! So when you find yourself feeling like this and wanting to give up, see it as a GOOD sign…that you’re actually very close to your desired destination! Sometimes you just need to get all the doubts and fear out with a big old sob and then you can rise up and make sh*t happen!

4. Don’t do it on your own – get support and cheerleaders

Bringing about big change in your life takes courage. You deserve to have people cheering you on every tiny step of the way. When you don’t, it can get very lonely and it’s so much harder to keep going.

That’s why coaching can be so powerful: having someone by your side, believing in you and cheering you on is a powerful tonic when it comes to making big change happen in your life.

It’s also the reason why I started Club Youto create a community where you can get guidance, inspiration and LOTS of cheerleading on tap, whenever you need it.

No more trying to ride that rollercoaster alone!

5. Celebrate the small wins –

Something magical happens when you stop and celebrate each step forward in making change happen in your life. The energy of positive celebration, starts to shift things on the inside. It reinforces the belief that I CAN DO THIS AND I AM DOING IT. And that self-belief is an essential fuel in helping you bring about change in your life until you are living the life you really want to be living.

So if you’re bringing about a big change in your life at the moment (or when you next do), keep these in your back pocket. Know that it IS a rollercoaster ride and that when you’re hitting the scary parts of the ride, you’re not alone. I’m here cheering you on, every step of the way!

And if you’re feeling ready to make a big change in your life – a change in career, starting a business or finally figuring out a way of working that has you thriving (and not burning out) – then I’m here to help you make that happen! Come and check out my Coaching packages and get in touch!

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I'm Selina, Career and Life Design Coach and author of Burnt Out 

 I've been coaching and guiding people to create lives, careers and businesses they love for almost two decades. And now... I can't wait to help YOU!

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